ERA and The Children’s Link Society Join Forces to Collect Electronics

By electronic recycling association April 27, 2020

The Electronic Recycling Association (ERA) is a non-profit organization founded in 2004 to address the growing problem of e-waste and the increasing ‘digital divide’. For over fifteen years, ERA has offered simple solutions to help individuals and organizations prevent operational equipment from premature destruction. With a focus on recovery, refurbishment and reuse, ERA continuously supplies charitable groups with donated IT equipment while securely managing the retiring IT assets of organizations and individuals across Canada.

ERA is proud to announce a new partnership with a Calgary based organizations called The Children’s Link Society. This organization is a community based, single-entry resource service committed to keeping special needs families connected, supported, informed, and hopeful. The Children’s Link Society is known and valued for offering resources, information, connections and hope to families and professionals in the special needs’ community. Children’s Link is staffed by a dedicated team, many of whom have lived experience with disability.

Their resource database contains more than 1,000 community resources, enabling them to provide people with a comprehensive variety of service and support options. Through one-to-one conversations, support groups, workshops, and online networking opportunities, Children’s Link provides a safe, accepting environment for people to learn, share and connect.

Their Vision – The Children’s Link Society is committed to the development of a community where families of children with special needs and those who serve them are informed, supported, and valued.

Their Mission – The Children’s Link Society will provide resources, information, parent-to-parent connections, and hope to families and professionals who care for and work with children and youth with special needs.

Their Values – At the Children’s Link Society, they know and believe that all children and youth with special needs are whole and have a rightful place within the community.

  • Connectedness

They recognize that people want to be listened to, belong, and feel supported. The Children’s Link Society provides a safe place for families to share, connect, and learn.

  • Compassion

They understand that people desire to be treated with kindness, empathy, honesty, and respect. They honor the hope and resiliency of families and individuals.

  • Collaboration

They believe in bringing together families, agencies, and professionals to offer expertise, promote choice, enhance strengths, and to work toward common goals. Their motto is: Whatever it takes!

This organization reached out to the ERA in hope to secure some laptop and computer donations for their clients. Both organizations are joining forces to collect electronics so that Children’s Links Clients gain access to laptops and computers throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic. They are pleading with the public for donations of technology.

The Children’s Link Society is grateful to partner with the Electronic Recycling Association for electronic drop off on May 1st from 10am-12pm. Social distancing markers will be placed outside the drop off area every 2 meters adhering to the Alberta Health Services guidelines. There will be a table immediately upon entering the drop off location to separate donors and staff. If you have travelled or had cold symptoms (Cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose, or sore throat) in the last 14 days, please call to schedule a different drop off time.

Date: Friday, May 1st, 2020

Time: 10am-12pm

Venue: 8855 Macleod Trail S

(There will be a table left at the front door for drop offs of technology. Two meters physical distancing will be maintained at all times. Staff will be wearing masks and gloves.

For more information on this compassionate organization, please go to their website here.