ERA’s E-Waste Fundraiser with Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School

By electronic recycling association May 7, 2024

In a world where technology evolves at lightning speed, it’s easy for our old electronics to get left behind, collecting dust in forgotten corners of our homes. But what if those neglected gadgets could be given a new lease on life, all while supporting a worthy cause? That’s exactly what happened at the recent E-Waste Collection Fundraiser Event, a collaborative effort between the Electronic Recycling Association (ERA) and Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School.

On April 27, 2024, the Calgary community came together in a remarkable display of generosity and environmental stewardship. People attended the event, ready to let go of their old electronics. From vintage flip phones to bulky CRT monitors, every device, regardless of its age or condition, was accepted.

The event was not just about clearing out clutter; it was also part of ERA’s Moolah for Macro program. This initiative aims to support charities, schools and non-profit organizations facing funding challenges. By collecting unwanted electronics, participating organizations have the opportunity to earn cash while aiding ERA’s mission to provide technology equipment to less fortunate Canadians.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who donated their electronics! Your generosity is truly appreciated. Thanks to your contributions, we’ve made a significant impact on both the environment and our community. Together, we’re creating positive change. Thank you for being a part of it!

Ready to take action? Consider organizing an e-waste collection event in your organization or community with ERA. Whether you’re a school, business, or non-profit organization, ERA can assist you in responsibly disposing of your old electronics while promoting environmental sustainability.

To organize an e-waste collection event or learn more about ERA’s initiatives, visit or call 1-877-9WASTE. Together, we can make a tangible difference in preserving the planet for future generations.