Mission Friendship Centre Society Receive the Gift of Technology

By electronic recycling association July 26, 2019

Donation: 11 Computers, 3 Laptops, 1 Projector

Mission Friendship Centre Society is a non-profit organization focused on helping to meet the needs of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal people and families who are making a transition to the urban community. To provide a central and suitable facility where counselling, support and referral services will be provided.

ERA has worked with this organization back in 2012 and 2013 donating laptops and computers for their needs. Mission Friendship Centre Society reached out again to ERA because their computers were outdated and several were non-functioning . Their staff were unable to properly do their jobs with the slow computers. We were able to donate 11 computers, 3 laptops and a projector that will help with their office daily tasks.

We wish them all the best for the future and hope to work with them again. If you would like to learn more about this organization, please visit their website here.