By electronic recycling association February 12, 2016

We were thrilled to make a donation to the Nova Scotia Government‘s Nova Scotia Adopt-A-Highway Program!

The Nova Scotia Adopt-A-Highway program gives volunteer groups the opportunity to help their communities by collecting litter and beautifying roadsides and interchange areas.
In Nova Scotia, the program was started in 1997 with an initial 18 volunteer groups. Today, we have over 160 groups who have adopted more than 1000 kilometers of secondary road and fourteen 100-Series highway Interchange areas (Exits) throughout the province. On average, 5-6 thousand bags of garbage and recyclable materials are picked up along adopted Nova Scotia highways each year.

Here, Coni Murray Co-Chair of the N.S. Adopt-A-Highway Program and Gina Bain, AAH Program Coordinator are pictured using their donated laptop to continue running this great program.

Nova Scotia Adopt-A-Highway