What is Electronic Recycling?

By electronic recycling association June 25, 2018

Tablets, desktops, smartphones; electronic devices are part of daily life in a variety of forms. These devices offer many benefits, but what happens when they outlive their usefulness? Rapidly changing technology leaves many devices outdated. Electronic recycling is a way to deal with these old devices.

What is E-Waste?

Outdated electronics such as computers, phones, and printers are known as e-waste. Many of these devices can be recycled, but most are thrown away. This increases the burden on landfills and allows toxic materials contained in electronic devices to leak into the environment.

Donate Used Electronics to Reduce E-Waste

Donating used electronics a to recycling program is a much better choice than throwing them away. Such programs have drop off locations where you can take unwanted electronics; some will even pick up items for you.

Destruction of Data in Recycled Electronics

The first step in electronic recycling is to destroy all data on used electronics securely. This keeps data from being recovered by a later user. Hard drive shredders are a great way to completely and safely destroy data from donated electronics.

Recycled Electronics are Repurposed

The next step in the recycling process is to repair the donated electronics. Teams work to repair electronics so that they function correctly and are usable again.

Repurposed Electronics are Donated

Once the recycled electronics are in good working condition, they are often donated to various community organizations. These may include non-profit organizations, charities, and educational institutions.

Which Electronic Devices can be Recycled?

The electronic devices accepted for recycling can vary depending on the program, but desktops, printers, notebooks, software, servers, and phones are some of the electronic items that can be recycled.

Electronic recycling is a great way to get rid of outdated, unwanted electronics without the harmful effects of throwing away e-waste. Recycled electronics can even help others in your community, so look for a program near you.

If you are looking to get rid of your old technology in the best way possible and in an environmentally friendly way, get in touch with us today! Contact us at our toll-free number at 1.877.9EWASTE.